Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I Am That Girl

I am the girl who cares what you think, but will not change for you

I am awkward and frequently put my foot in my mouth by saying too much, but I always mean well

I am the girl who doesn't trust others easily, but who will take your secrets to the grave

I am the girl who cries when I hit a bird in the road, because I can't stand the thought that maybe another life just lost its companion.  I am also the girl who is strong enough to bear your burdens and help you up if you fall

I am the girl who loves ruffles, ribbon, glitter and lace, but who is also not afraid to get dirty

I am timid and insecure, but always stand up for what I believe in even if I'm standing alone

I am the girl who gets stuck on something and will talk about it forever, but I would stay up all night listening to my friends pour their heart out

I am guarded, but I wear my heart on my sleeve

I am playful, but have no tolerance for mind games

I am fiercely loyal, but you will only betray me once

I am a girl who worries about everything, but who loves recklessly and with abandon

I am a romantic, but also realistic

I am sensual, but my moral compass is strong

I am the girl who can't say no, but who will not let you walk all over me

I am random, but intelligent

I am the girl who smiles when things hurt, but will brighten your day nonetheless

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