Wednesday, March 21, 2012


It's easy to stay comfortably numb.  Pain hurts.  It rips out our hearts, stomps on it and tears it into pieces.  Then, people come along and tell us to stuff it back inside and go on.  So we do or try at least.  All the tearing and beating has left a constant stinging, so we find ways to numb it.  Put a band-aid over it so that "life's dirt" doesn't infect our open wound any further.  Unfortunately, when we have to rip that band-aid off, which we eventually will, the wound is oozing underneath.  We may never be the same since we did more damage then good, because we didn't take care of ourselves. Wounds need to be cleaned out and dealt with properly.  It may even be a good idea to seek help.  In a doctor or even a friend. 

It takes courage to feel and not be depressed.

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