Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sticks & Stones

I recently tried to explain to a 9 year old how it doesn't really matter if she's not the most popular in school and to help her not care so much about what her peers think of her.  Being yourself is always ok!  It got me thinking.  As a child, it deeply bothered me if someone didn't like me or said hurtful things.  Through the years, I've learned that if I'm kind to others always, then their words cannot affect me.  If I have given them no reason for ill words, then those words are untruths, spoken out of a misunderstanding or unkindness on their part.  Granted, people still may not like me, but if I've given them no reason then I can wash my hands clean of it.  What they think and feel is on them and a reflection of them only.

To quote Louis Armstrong: "I got a simple rule about everybody.  If you don't treat me right-shame on you!"

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