Sunday, April 29, 2012


There is no word in the english language I loathe more than the word "deserve." It has become so overused, so much so that I would love to permanantly remove it from the dictionary.  It makes me cringe.   I do understand varying worth ethics and wanting to be awarded recognition for your hard work.  I still feel there are better words than deserve.  It's such a selfish word.  Why are we so quick to say we deserve something over another?  Is there, no doubt, someone else out there more deserving than us?  Everytime I use the word, it makes me feel like I'm wishing misery on someone else.  If I look at the big picture, I don't feel like I deserve anything in life. I'm grateful for what I have and have been given.  Nothing is owed me, nor am I entitled to it because I want it or someone else has it and I don't.
At least I try to remember this....

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